Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Day Thirty Five : That Awkward Moment

Date :  Tuesday 4th February 2014

Time : 20.35

Location : Odeon Cinema, Broadway Plaza, Birmingham

Birmingham cinemas are so cheap!

Before I start, I'd like to point out a couple of things. Firstly, today was the first time I haven't bought a student ticket at the cinema in about 5 years. Welcome to the real world. 

Secondly, despite the fact that I am a metrosexual 23 year old male, Zac Efron (disregarding all the drugs and rehab) is a fine looking man. 

OK so we went to see That Awkward Moment tonight. It stars Zac, alongside no other famous people Miles Teller and Michael Jordan (not the basketball player) as 3 friends, who make a pact to not get into relationships. I'm sure you can tell the plot a mile off here! I won't spoil it - but non of them stay single for very long!

It was an easy viewing film, really funny at parts, and if you're not swayed yet, there are many scenes where Zac doesn't wear much - including an alternative way to go to the toilet! 

That Awkward Moment seems like an appropriate film title for me to see and enjoy, given that - in my eyes - awkward things are all around me. For example, just a couple of hours ago, whilst in the cinema watching this very film, I started sniffing ("man flu") during a break-up scene. The people around me must have thought my tear ducts were working overdrive! Awkward. 

Another example - this one's a bit more general - when I'm walking in the same direction as someone, and we both move the same way to get out the way. Awkward.

Or The Awkward Moment when your stomach waits for the whole room to go deftly quiet, before growling with hunger. 

You get the picture. 

Comment below your awkward moments, or if you've seen That Awkward Moment, let me know what you thought! 

I thought it was a good film, easy viewing and funny. I would definitely go and see it again. 4/5. 

Lesson of the day - Never go to the cinema if you have a cold. People WILL think you're crying. 

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